14 Mar 2025, Fri

Jeddah, KSA

“Indian, poets, writers, intellectuals, artists and common people are very wise. They will never allow the Indian social mosaic to be ruined by some short-sighted or fringe elements,” said Mirza Parvez Beg while presiding over a Majlis-e-Ilm-o-Adab, Jeddah seminar.

“India has sailed many a stormy seas and has always touched the shores safely. The best thing is that majority of the Indians are secular and they believe in peaceful co-existence,” said Beg. Beg opined, “Literary people have always saved us from many a clashes by making a way for dialogue. This process should go on.”

He was optimistic that this dialogue will end all misconceptions about different communities and religions. “It’s a good beginning that people from the different walks of life have shown in one voice that they are only Indians. They love India with the depth of their heart and they will use the might of pen, art and skill to defend the unity and glory of our beloved motherland,” Afaq Ali a long-time resident of the Kingdom said.

“By the freedom of expression, guaranteed in the Indian Constitution, India having 17 big and ancient languages, 1,500 dialects and more than 4 world religions  the Indian people, so diverse, will still overcome all the difficulties,” said Muhammad Jawed Azmi.

“India has always believed in unity in diversity. In fact India’s slogan has been ‘Truth will Prevail’. Since times immemorial, India, has been a cradle of different religions and civilizations and has survived due to the adherence to this principle. Our great nation will march on the path of development and progress and will touch new heights by saving this golden principle.

The last Indian Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar and Sir Syed Ahmad Khan believed that only with Hindu-Muslim unity India will remain a great country and a leader of other nations. It’s a matter of pride for all Indians that our intelligentsia believes in this fact,” said Mujahid Syed.

The program began with the recitation of verses from the Holy Qur’an by Syed Hashim. The Naat was recited by Syed Mustafa. Syed Muhammad recited Allama Iqbal’s famous patriotic song:

Saare Jahan Se Achha Hindustan Hamara
Hum Bulbulen Hain Iski Yeh Gulsitan Hamara

The vote of thanks was proposed by Syed Faizan Ahmad. Faisal Shaikh was master of the ceremony.

(Courtesy- Saudi Gazette)